Chairman of Event: Stephen Harpin
Captain Boat 1: Stuart Shepherd
Captain Boat 2: Bruce Orme
The Celtic Challenge 2019 is now confirmed and SARC are taking part, hopefully entering two crews again this time.
We are asking for a firm commitment from anyone who puts their name down by requiring a £250 deposit as part of the booking process. Once we start actually booking external resources (support boats etc..), your deposit will become non-refundable. If you do need to withdraw from the event after this point, it is up to you to get a replacement for your position and negotiate with them any money for your refund.
Payment of a second amount of £250 will be due once we have confirmation of how many crews we will be entering into the challenge. Please note, £500 is our best guess as to how much this will cost each person and we are also looking to charge support crew £200 as they enjoy many of the activities associated with the event but should not have to pay as much as the rowers themselves.
Before you enter, please consider the above and also make sure you have read the email send out by the Commodore about what is involved. If you want to read this again please click here
Finally, if the event is cancelled, there is no guarantee you would get any of your entrance money returned. It all depends on when the cancellation takes place and how much we still have to pay for booked resources we cannot cancel ourselves.
50 South Green, Arklow, Co Wicklow