Event Organiser Needed
A weekend of rowing to celebrate the year of the sea.
The original concept of this event was to try to hold an international gathering of rowers to celebrate the Year of the Sea. To this end an application for grant funding was submitted to Tourism in Wales to enable us to put into place a package which would help us introduce our sport to the general population. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in our bid. However this does not stop us holding the event but it does mean that some of the extra ancillary events may not happen.
Entry fee £100 per boat to include BBQ and entertainment on Saturday. Accommodation is available at Llanion Cove at a cost of £25 per night per person.
Friday 29th June (18.30?)
A social row from Llanion Cove to Creswell Quay in the company of the yachts taking part in Sea Fair Haven.
Saturday 30th June
11.00 Join the Parade of Sail. This brings to an end the week of yachting.
13.00 Race from Weir Spit to Llangwm and back to the Cleddau Bridge. Approx 11 miles.
Evening BBQ and entertainment at Llanion Cove.
Sunday 1st July
A chance to participate in the PYC league race. Note: This will be run by PYC and normal league entry fees apply.
We would appreciate expressions of interest sent to [email protected] w/c 22/05/2018 if possible to help us gauge the viability of this idea.
Thank you.
Richard Aherne Chairman MYC Rowing Porthmadog
Accommodation is offered at Llannion Cove
in 4 bed dormitories for £25 per person per night B and B including entertainment. There is a bar and ample parking. There will be free transport between the different venues by water taxi in the form of vintage lifeboats.
The event seems to have been organised at rather short notice, but would be a good substitute for the Ocean to City Race if we could get up a crew. We would need a nominated organiser to send the entry form and keep contact with [email protected]
Gellyswick, Milford Haven, SA73 3RS