Jon Gould is arranging a Gloucester to Bristol row, some of the details still need to be finalised but this is to let you book on and get the dates in your diaries as soon as possible. There will be some costs involved but these will be detailed later. Please book if you are interested as this will help with working out the costs involved.
Summary of event
‘Mud, sweat and tidal flow, it’s the ideal cocktail for another fun row.
On the 2nd of July, a Saturday, we’ll row from Gloucester to Bristol all the way.
Friday afternoon Boat Hauling
- Take boats to launch point at Stone Bench, Elmore, GL2 3NP, then drive trailers to Bristol Mariner car park
- Head back to launch site to camp/hotel
- Saturday morning 0600 briefing at launch site at Stone Bench, Elmore, GL2 3NP
- Safety Briefing
- Check lifejackets, mobile phone numbers and safety helmets
- Hazards, emergency exit points on chart/map and communications
Saturday morning 0615 launch
- Boats in the water waiting for the high tide to turn
- Row 25 miles to Avonmouth marina (assisted by tidal flow of upto 15mph )
- Arrive latest 1130 for low tide
- Tie up at the Avonmouth marina and wait for low tide to turn then row 10 miles up the river Avon to Bristol Marina
Bristol Marina
- Arrive at the lock to Bristol marina sometime afternoon/early evening
- Either enter the marina if enough water, or tie up below the lock and wait in Marina’s Pubs until enough water to enter Marina
- Load boats onto trailers
Saturday night – you choose
- Hotel it?
- Lift back to the launch site to pick up cars?
- Get the train back to Gloucester or Shrewsbury?
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do we really need safety helmets ?A. Not for the row but for going out in Bristol later.
- What’s the chance of running a ground?A. If we stick to the main stream then we should be ok. Looking at the chart, it says the lowest the water gets at low tide is 0.3m, but hopefully we should be past this bit before low tide. IMPORTANT. If we do run aground and we can’t get out to push, DO NOT try walk to the bank through the mud, stay in the boat and wait for the tide to come back in.
- Gouldy, are you really qualified enough or experienced enough to organise such an adventure which has so many variables and opportunities for an unexpected twist?A. Absolutely not. Which is why my team of advisers includes Dr Shaw, Frank Larkham(local boatman), Mike May (local boatman) and Mystic Meg.
- Is the right reserved to make changes to these arrangements at short notice?A. Too right.
Next Steps……
Please can you have think about your travel and accommodation arrangements on the Friday night or Saturday morning, and the Saturday night. We’ll try and coordinate this bit over the next few weeks via another email.
All Day
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